Do Pegassi Infernus’ taillights resemble a Pokeball?

A Pokeball is pretty much the symbol of Pokemon. It’s a universal icon that even those outside of the gaming industry is at least familiar with. But, for some reason, it’s taken GTA Online players several years to make out what appears to be a Pokeball hidden in plain sight, as the tail lights of one of the game’s most popular cars closely resemble the iconic Pokemon symbol. A Redditor was one of the first to point this out just before 2021 ended and fans can’t seem to agree if it’s a deliberate nod or a happy coincidence.

If you take a close look at the Pegassi Infernus supercar in GTA Online, you can make out what appears to be a Pokeball forming from the brake lights. Two of the four brake lights are completely red while the rest of the bottom half is white and only lights up when you are reversing. Rockstar’s decision to make the taillights resemble a Pokeball seems so obvious to the point that it’s hard to believe that fans only noticed this just now. Of course, we can’t say for sure if this is a reference or just a coincidence. We’ll let you decide on that one. In other Rockstar news, the word is out that the popular video game studio reportedly canceled development on Bully 2 in 2009. The news comes just weeks after there were reports that Rockstar reportedly planned on revealing something related to Bully at TGA 2021. Meanwhile, on the GTA side of things, fans believe that Rockstar plans on releasing more GTA Online DLC featuring Franklin (and possibly other GTA V protagonists) in 2022.

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